Mō mātou | About us

Te tūruapō | Our vision

Tā mātou kitenga kia whakatipu taurikura oranga hoki mō te Māori mā te tūhono i te Māori ki ngā āheinga nui.

Our vision is to grow Māori prosperity and wellbeing by connecting Māori to greater opportunity.

Ngā uara whai | Our values



We will care for and work harmoniously with Māori to connect them to the greatest opportunities available in the labour market.


We will recognise the unique set of skills, capabilities, and talents that each individual brings, and we will work with them to unlock the greatest opportunities available.


We will help to grow Māori capability and employability to ensure Māori are best placed to capatilise on the benefits available in the labour market. We will also help to improve understanding of Māori capability so it’s immense value is recognised.


We will help to bring Māori together in unity and collective action to eradicate the inequities in the labour market.